Lead Like a Monk: Seven Timeless Principles For Today’s Leaders

Overcoming Disengagement and Disconnection By Creating Connected Community

Community vs. Culture

Today’s buzzword for organizations and businesses is culture. If we change the culture we can overcome disengagement. This is a superficial approach, it doesn’t go deep enough with the various tactics that are used, (DEI, Well Being, Open Communication, etc…) To go deep we must create community. Community creates the environment for trust and cooperation and touches on every aspect of both the person and the organization. Benedict’s idea of working and living in community gives us the principles needed to create community in our organizations, institutions and businessess. When we create community we provide the soil for creating fulfilling success at work. The MonkWork© system helps entrepreneurs, leaders, managers and anyone understand these three areas and then also how they can use the Monk Principles©  to create community and have fulfilling success at work.

Creating community that overcomes disengagement and disconnection by connecting Benedictine, monastic principals with timeless human anthropology. Doing the right thing, the right way for the right reasons, that leads to flourishing.

The Monk Principles© and the “Rules” associated with those principles are the tools that we use to create community. Community is a much deeper approach than just changing culture and will have lasting impact on the people working in community toward a common purpose.

MonkWork©: Community Building Programs

We work with leaders and managers teaching them the principles and giving them the tools to create community. We have several options for training, coaching and mentoring. These programs focus on the Monk Principles and the associated “Rules” under each principle. We also incorporate different assessment tools to set baselines of where you are starting from to where you want to go.

Using the concepts in virtue ethics, positive psychology, positive organizational development and the principles from the Benedictine tradition these programs can help transform people and organizations. 

For more information on our programs set up a free strategy call by clicking on the button below.

Mike has demonstrated through his many years in business and research that a leader’s sustainable success is a result of the integration of his/her desire and ability to integrate best business practices, understanding of human behavior, and the pursuit of virtue. One does not have to be around Mike for any length of time to observe that this is a way of life for him.
— Dr. Tom Lorang, Retired Superintenedent of Bishop O'Gorman Catholic Schools